Three generations of a family sitting on a log in the woods with aspens

Your family is your rock. Your family is your joy.

Like most people on Earth, we cherish our family. In the Vail Valley of Colorado, so many of us have our families spread out all over the country and even the world. We make plans to spend time together, but it’s not as often as we would like, as our lives take us in different directions. We chose to be here, weather full time or part time, and we have formed tight knit communities over our love of the mountains and the active lifestyle they afford. Still, we look forward to the days we can come together with our families. 

I am no different. My family is scattered all over the planet. My husband and I are fortunate to be able to travel to see everyone over the years, and many of them come to see us, here. With wonderful modern technology, we can “see” each other and talk to one another regularly, using video chat software and video conferencing software over the Internet. However, it is a rare family life event that brings us together in person, all at once, or at least most of us. At those times, we have a portrait made. It is so fortunate that we do. With the uncertain times ahead, it is not at all clear when we will be together again. Life is very precious, and our family bonds give us strength and joy, no matter what life throws at us. Now, more than ever, we have to plan for a family portrait, soon.

Three generations of a family outside in the mountains while it's snowing
Three generations of a posed on and around a boulder, in the woods with wildflowers
Three generations of a family on a snowy country road in the morning sun glow