Three generation family outside on a sofa in the summer

After so many weeks of social distancing and isolation,

and only virtually communicating with our family, I know my husband and I can’t wait to host everyone we love. Time with our families is precious, especially when we are all spread out throughout the country and even the world. Still, for us, family is everything. Each time we get together, right away we talk about when we will see each other, again. With the onset of this epidemic, our thoughts go to darker places. We wonder, will this be the last time, especially with the older generation. So now, we are making plans, again. Of course, right now they are not solid plans, as travel restrictions require flexibility, but we are staying on each other’s radars, to come together, as soon as it is safe to do so.

I am guessing we are not the only ones who feel this way. I am sure you miss getting together with your whole family, too. Let’s hope that sometime this summer, or maybe this fall, you will be able to come together in person. After all, your family is your joy through all life events and cherished moments. Your family is your rock through all the challenges and hard times. What better way to preserve those special bonds then get everyone together for a family portrait? We’ve lost my father-in-law, a few months, ago, but I am so glad that we had family portraits made when we saw him a few weeks earlier.

Wall portraits

are at least 16 x 20 inches in size and are professionally retouched, printed, textured, and embellished with certain artistic effects (if you so choose), coated with protective laminate, mounted on foam, and framed. 

Painterly wall portraits

have a look and feel of an oil painting. These are individually, digitally painted by hand from a selected retouched image, using digital brushes (not automated), printed on canvas, laminated with hand painted brushstrokes, mounted on hardboard and framed. These are also at least 16x20 inches in size.

Gift size prints

are photographic prints that are 5 x 7 inches or 8 x 10 inches in size and are perfect to give to family and friends.

Something Special

I've decided to do something special for all the families out there who want to have a family portrait made. With a purchase of at least one wall portrait from a photo session scheduled this May for any available time in the next 12 months, or a new wall portrait from a past photo session with Olga Barron Photography, Inc., I will give away 3 gift size prints of the same image to share with your family members. That’s a $300+ value!

Painterly portrait of a little boy with a stick in the river


If you are happy with your portraits or if you are not ready for a new one, just yet, but you refer my services to a friend or colleague, I will provide you with 3 free gift prints of your choice from any of your past photo sessions with me, if the referral results in a wall portrait purchase. Alternatively, if you prefer, I will offer you a free environmental headshot, if your referral results in a wall portrait purchase. Again, a $300+ value.

Now, more than ever, plan your family portrait this summer or fall. After all, family is everything!